Running up that hill

I’ve always been the lone-wolf type, and she is much the same - which must be why our on-off relationship works so well. A lot more off than on, actually. I guess we both just need a lot of time alone, to get on with our respective lives. And a lot of individual space too! Separate territories, so to speak. And yet, every year, when the days start to get longer and sunnier, when the heat sets free the smells of tree leaves and flowers into the air, then we suddenly long for each other’s company once again. And our reunion always happens half by chance. What happens is that we both start roaming around places where we’ve met in previous years. It’s a little ritual of ours that helps to build up the desire. Then, when we finally spot each other, our hearts start racing, and we race too. That is when I realize how much I missed everything about her: her blue glance, her wisdom, her elegant movements... And it always feels like being little again: running and jumping through the woods side by side, huddling under the stars at night… On our final night together every year, we invariably run up that hill that divides our hunting grounds and we howl. We howl at the full moon for a long time. It’s our way of making a deal with him, that he shall return another twelve times to keep me and her inside of each other’s hearts.

(Contribuição para um desafio do Global Writing & Storytelling Group do Internations.)